
In IMDB: "The First Zeitgeist was an amazing movie that I gave 10/10 despite being a practising and proud Christian. Joseph tackles very taboo topics such as Sept.11th and the U.S agenda of world domination. Because of this fact the film was attacked and all the factual flaws exposed.

In Zeitgiest Addendum Joseph used a better fact checker because the movie is so tight, it's impeccably done.

Joseph delves into the financial system, but this time stays away from theories, and just deals with facts...and the facts alone are scary. We learn that the financial system is basically a pyramid scheme that has taken place over the last 100 years and it is about to crash, no bail out will save them.

What's good about this film is that it offers a solution...the Venus Project....and a Resource based economy, this system of society is beyond Utopia, beyond communism, a technologically advanced society where the survival of humanity is the inspiration. Money is abolished back to the stones age where it came from.

This would be a beautiful place to live, I'd love to see this happen in my children's lifetime...even if it was one city. We have so much more potential as human beings, than working on a shipping doc, to buy cigarettes, so some fat cat can eat the new world we will be exploring space, and knowledge will be far more valuable that money.

Like the first, this movie is free...please search for it on line and enjoy."


"Extremely controversial documentary split into three parts, first producing information discrediting religion, particularly Christainity through showing the simmilarities of major religious figures. Part 2 describes the problems with what was told to us about the events surrounding Sept. 11 and and provides evidence to show who the writers believe really was responsible for the attacks. The third part deals with banks and resulting theories of World leaders plans to create one world bank. Also touches on the people responsible for the Great Deppression. Written by Anonymous
A documentary that calls for vigilance and the search for truth, using a rigged comparison against Christianity it proves its point to all who are influenced by the message it sends forth. It goes on by putting forth a view that totalitarianism will be the demand of the uncritical majority. Claiming that religion, state, media and more all work towards this end. Written by RBP
This film gathers information from many sources and puts it together in a way that shows it is possible for people to be manipulated by large institutions, governments and economic powers. It is divided into 3 parts. 1. Religion: Pagan astrological beliefs compared to modern and ancient religions. (9:35-35:53) 2. 9/11: An overview of the numerous questionable aspects of this immensely important event. (35:54-1:09:16) 3. The Federal Reserve Bank: A history of its formation and ability to control the economy. (1:09:17-1:56:23) With many news clips from tragic events in history, audio excerpts from those who believe people are being misled about the level of freedom they have, this riveting documentary will anger those who agree with it as well as those who do not. A very timely and important piece of work that all free thinking people should see. Viewer Content Warning: This film contains stock photos and film of war and September 11th scenes that may not be suitable for all viewers. (18 or older) Written by Jeff1961
This documentary is not for the faint-hearted. it dissects the origins of the christian religion and gives an interesting view on how a few american banks (and thus a few very powerful people) have seized worldpower at the beginning of the 20th century. it also related these topics to the big wars that have been fought in the 20th century and are still being fought today! Written by Anonymous"